Important updates applying to all ClickBank vendors

We're contacting you today to make you aware of some important updates applying to all ClickBank vendors regarding sales and messaging guidelines. Please take the time to read through this email and the updated rules and guidelines, as all clients are required to comply no later than August 31st, and this may require making changes to your existing sales materials.

As you may already know, in recent months certain regulatory agencies and credit card processors have been taking a very close look at sales and promotional messaging in the e-commerce space, especially in regards to "make money online" products.

To ensure your long-term success, as well as that of the entire ClickBank network of vendors and affiliates, we want to work with you to provide clear direction on what we will and won't accept on ClickBank sales letters and other promotional materials. We've expanded and clarified our guidelines to protect both our clients and end customers, and to ensure that the incredibly successful network you've helped us build here at ClickBank over the past 13 years will continue to grow and prosper for years to come!

To read the updated guidelines, please click here.

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