Yinluck Sinawatra Intend to Run for Prime Minister of Thailand

Yinluck Sinawatra intend to run for prime minister of Thailand in the election next July. Analysts said that Yinluck an arm of the former prime minister ousted in the coup that Thaksin Sinawatra in 2006. "I was a clone of logical thinking, but I will make their own decisions," he said in an interview with a television in Thailand.

Yinluck is the youngest brother of Thaksin Sinawatra, 34-year-old woman who had a child, it becomes a substitute Thanksin to take care of her sister companies in Thailand, while Thanksin himself hiding in a foreign country. Pheu Thai Party is the party that carries the main candidate Yinluck as prime minister of Thailand.

Meanwhile Thanksin strongly supports the candidacy Yinluck, as written in Twitter. He stated that Yinluck was fit to be prime minister of Thailand, for several reasons. According to Thaksin, Yinluck as a woman be able to reconcile with all circles, he has an experience of management and business for 20 years, he was also a political science graduate who was raised from political family, he also understands about human life from the lower class to upper class, and the last Yinluck also experienced in international trade.

Thaksin, who was ousted by a military coup, known as a corrupt regime during his reign, many cases of corruption by Thaksin and his cronies, even in an interview with the media, Thaksin said that corruption is something that is fair.

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