Disease-Based Environment

Disease-Based Environment 
Guidelines for Counseling and Intervention on Sanitation Health Center Clinic Program 
HL Blum, an expert who has always been a reference temperature and the'''public health, through his theory, argues that the environmental health and human behavior are the two dominant factors that most influence the status of public health. Component behavior and health component of this environment are the two factors most likely to intervene, so that has become a mecca of promotive and preventive measures on the majority of disease problems and health problems.
Based on various data and reports, current environment-linked diseases remains a public health problem in Indonesia. ARI and diarrhea, which is environment-linked diseases are consistently ranked in the top 10 penyakt in almost all health centers in Indonesia, in addition to Malaria, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), filariasis, tuberculosis, worms, skin diseases, poisoning and complaints due to a bad work environment.
The high Among other environment-linked diseases Diseases caused by environmental factors as well as clean and healthy lifestyle behaviors that are still low. Based on sanitation aspects of the high number of environment-linked diseases caused many unmet community needs clean water, latrine use is still low, contaminated soil, water and air as household waste, industrial waste, agricultural waste, transportaasi facilities, as well as physical environments that enable
The following article will describe briefly the relevant information environment-linked diseases (from various sources). For Sanitarian this information in addition to increasing knowledge, can also be implemented in conducting counseling and intervention on Sanitation Health Center Clinic program.
Understanding Disease is a pathological condition in the form of dysfunction and / or morphology of an organ and / or jar the body. (Achmadi'05). While understanding the Environment is everything imaginable around it (the object of life, death, real, abstract) and the atmosphere which is formed due to the interaction between the elements in these natural. (Sumirat'96). Environment-Based Disease is a pathological condition of abnormal function or morphology of an organ of the body caused by human interaction with everything around it that has the potential for disease.
To be able to make environmentally based disease control efforts, it is very important to know the characteristics of the disease and the pathogenesis of a disease. Based on the pathogenesis of these grooves, environment-linked diseases can be explained as follows:


Diarrhea is a disease that is usually marked by stomach pains, increased frequency of defecation, and watery stools concentration. Signs of Diarrhea may vary according to severity and depend on the type of cause of diarrhea.
There are several causes of diarrhea. Some of these include Cyclospora cayetanensis, total coliform (E. coli, E. aurescens, E. freundii, E. intermedia, Aerobacter aerogenes), cholera, shigellosis, salmonellosis, yersiniosis, giardiasis, campylobacter enteritis, stomach type virus and other pathogens.
Transmission can be by way of feces contaminate food directly or indirectly (via flies). For some types of bacteria, mainly EHEC (Enterohaemorragic E. coli), livestock is an important reservoir. However, in general, humans can also be a source of transmission from person to person. In addition, food can also be contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms due to an unhealthy environment, everywhere there pathogenic microorganisms, thus keeping our food still berseih must take precedence.
Mode of transmission through:
Food contaminated with E. coli bacteria carried by flies that settle on faeces, because defecation (BAB) is not in the toilet.
Drinking water containing E. Coli that is not boiled.
The river water is polluted because of diarrhea bacteria E.coli defecate in the river used to wash food, kitchen utensils, toothbrushes, and others.
Hands contaminated with E.coli bacteria (BAB after not washing hands with soap)
Foods that infestation of flies carrying the bacteria E. coli and then eaten by humans.

How to prevent diarrheal disease, adjusted for factors are as follows:
Provision of water does not qualify
Use water from protected sources
Maintain and closed facilities to avoid contamination

No sanitary sewage
Defecate in the toilet
Dispose of feces in the toilet baby
If you do not have latrines should be made either alone or in groups with their neighbors.

Unhygienic behavior
Wash hands before eating or preparing food
Wash hands with soap after defecation
Drinking water that has been cooked
Closes with a hood-eat foods
Wash utensils with clean water
Do not eat snacks that are less clean
If the baby diarrhea, wash your baby bottles and utensils with hot water / boiling

While intervention on Among environmental factors can be done through:
Improvement of environmental sanitation and the eradication of the vector directly.
Improved sanitation can be expected to reduce the breeding places of flies. How can I take of them is to maintain cleanliness of animal cages, defecation in the toilet a healthy, good waste management, and so forth.

The presence of flies was instrumental in the spread of diarrheal disease, because the flies can act as a reservoir. Flies usually breed in wet places such as garbage, animal waste, decaying vegetation, and surface exposed dirty water. At the time of perch, flies out saliva and feces that form a black dot. these signs is important to know where the flies rest. During the day flies do not eat but resting on the floor wall, ceiling, grass, and cool place. Also liked the place adjacent to the food and breeding places, as well as protected from the wind and the scorching sun. Inside the house, flies resting on the edge of where food, electric wire and was not active at night. Place perch normally flies at an altitude of no more than 5 (five) meters.
Eradication of flies can be done in 3 ways, physical (eg use of water curtain), chemical (pesticides), and biology (a type of small colored black ants Phiedoloqelon affinis to reduce house fly populations in the trash bins.) Unhygienic environment that will invite flies. While flies can move people with pathogenic microorganisms from feces to food or beverages.
Respiratory Tract Infection I / ARI can include upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract, a respiratory infection that lasts up to 14 days. The definition of the respiratory tract is the organ from the nose to the alveolus, and surrounding organs such as: sinus, middle ear space and lung membranes.
Most of these infections are only mild respiratory tract such as cough and colds do not require treatment with antibiotics. However, children who suffer from pneumonia if not treated with antibiotics resulted in death. In Health / Community Health Center, Disease Eradication Program (P2) ARI ARI diseases divide into 2 groups, namely pneumonia and non-pneumonia. Pneumonia is divided over the degree of severity of illness is not severe pneumonia and severe pneumonia. Pneumonia caused by a biological hazard, namely Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Diseases such as cough and cold rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and upper airway diseases other not classified as pneumonia. The etiology of most of the upper airway disease this virus is and is not required antibiotic therapy. By the bacteria Streptococcus pharyngitis is rare in infants. If found to be treated with antibiotics penicillin, all acute ear inflammation should receive antibiotics. ARI can be transmitted through saliva, blood, sneezing, breathing air that contains bacteria are inhaled by healthy people kesaluran breathing.
The source of this disease is a human. Pneumococci are commonly found in upper respiratory tract of healthy people around the world. While the agent is transmitted to humans through the air through saliva splashes, direct contact through the mouth or indirect contact via equipment contaminated respiratory secretions. Usually the organism transmission occurs from person to person, but transmission through momentary contacts are rare.
Humans residing in slums and humid environment at high risk for contracting this disease (intervention with glass roof and ventilation of the home frontier is often very effective to overcome this disease.) After exposure to agents, the patient may recover or illness. As explained previously, for patients with viral agents (eg flu) is actually not required to obtain special treatment. Self-maintained physical condition. Patients with positive respiratory infection are those who are characterized by sudden attacks with fever, chills, pleural pain, dyspnea, tachypnea, productive cough with phlegm redness and lekositosis. These attacks are usually not so suddenly, especially in the elderly and chest radiograph results might provide the beginning of pneumonia. In infants and small children, fevers, vomiting and cramps can be symptoms of early disease. Etiological diagnosis early is very important for directing specific therapy. Diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia could be suspected if the finding of gram-positive diplococci in sputum along with the discovery of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Diagnosis can be confirmed by isolation of pneumococci from blood or secretions specimens taken from the lower respiratory tract of adults obtained by percutaneous transtracheal aspiration.
Simply put ARI disease has the following characteristics:
Causes of Disease:
The bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococci)
Hemophilus influenzae
Smoke kitchen
Unhealthy air circulation

While the breeding ground for respiratory tract, by way of transmission over the air (aerogen) in the form of direct contact through the mouth of the patient as well as indirectly through air contaminated with bacteria because the patient coughs.
How to Prevention: An effective way to prevent respiratory disease (based on the factors that cause disease), as follows:
The occupancy rate of solid house
One room occupied by no more than 2 people or more, or should spacious rooms with 8m2/jiwaq sma
Plesterisasi house floor

Ventilation house / kitchen is not eligible
Fixing holes penghawaan / ventilation
Always open the door / window, especially early morning
Adding artificial ventilation

Do not bring children / babies while cooking in the kitchen
Shut your mouth when coughing
Disposing of saliva in place
Not using anti-mosquito coils
Sleeping while separated from patient

Tuberculosis (TB) is a cough with phlegm for more than 3 weeks, with the cause of disease is a germ / bacteria mikrobakterium tuberculosis. Breeding ground for disease is in the lungs.
Modes of transmission of disease by air, with the process as follows:
TB patient talking, spitting, coughing, and sneezing, the TB germs are spread to the lungs of air inhaled by others.
TB germs inhaled by others who are in dekaqt patients.

How to Prevention: An effective way to prevent TB disease (based on the factors that cause disease), as follows:
The occupancy rate of solid house
One room occupied by no more than 2 people or more, or should spacious rooms with 8m2/jiwaq sma
Cemented floor of the house

Ventilation house / kitchen is not eligible
Fixing holes penghawaan / ventilation
Always open the door / window, especially early morning
Adding artificial ventilation

Shut your mouth when coughing
Disposing of saliva in place
Jemur kitchen appliances
Take care of personal hygiene
Get plenty of rest
Eat nutritious meals
Sleeping apart from patient

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Causes of Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a virus that is transmitted by the aedes aegypti mosquito. While the breeding grounds can be inside or outside the home, especially in places that can hold water such as:
Inside the house / outside the house for everyday purposes such as pails, drums, jars, clean water reservoirs, bath / WC / etc.
Not for daily use as a drinking bird, flower vases, cement traps, tin cans containing water, etc.
Naturally such as tree holes, rock holes, leaf midrib, coconut shell, pieces of bamboo that can hold rainwater, etc.

Transmission mode
Seseaorang that the blood containing the dengue virus is a source of disease.
When bitten by mosquitoes are sucked into the stomach virus mosquito breeding, into the salivary glands of mosquitoes after a week in the mosquito's body, when the mosquito bites a healthy person will transmit the dengue virus.
Theta dengue virus
p are in the body so that mosquitoes can transmit to others, and so on.

How effective way to prevent disease Prevention of Dengue Fever (based on the factors that cause disease), as follows:
Environment home / ventilation is not good:
Closing the water reservoirs
Bathtub drain once a week
Install wire mesh on the vents and holes penghawaan
Opening windows and glass tiles for pairs of light and not humid

The environment around the house unkempt
Once a week replace drinking water where the bird and flower vase
Stockpiling tires, cans, and bottles / glass former
Abate powder sprinkled on the water reservoirs are rarely drained or maintain mosquito-eating fish

Unhealthy behaviors
Folding and reduce fabric / clothes hanging

Worm infestation
Worm disease usually attacks children and is caused by a worm bracelet, worm Mine and pinworms.
Bracelet worm (Ascaris lumbricoides) breed in the human stomach and in the feces. Worm eggs can get into the mouth through contaminated food or hands contaminated with worm eggs. Worm eggs hatch into worms in the stomach, then out together feces.
Worm infection caused by pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis). Breeding ground for these types of worms in the human stomach and faeces, by means of transmission swallowing worm eggs have been fertilized, it can be through the dust, food or finger (nails).
Another worm disease, is caused by hookworm (Ankylostomiasis duodenale). These types of worms have a place to breed the human stomach and feces. Modes of Transmission begins when the eggs in the feces in moist soil or mud hatch into larvae. Then the larvae enter through the skin, usually on the soles. At the moment we are scratching the anus, the eggs get into the nail, fall into bed sheets or bedding and oral inhalation. Eggs can also be inhaled through dust in the air. or by reinfection (egg - larvae - enter the anus more)

An effective way to prevent disease Translation (based on the factors that cause disease), as follows:
No Stools Sanitary disposal
Defecate in the toilet only
Hole WC / latrine is closed
When you do not have, recommend to build their own or in groups with their neighbors
Plesterisasi house floor

Management of food is not sanitary
Buanh Wash vegetables and fruits that will be eaten with fresh water
Cook food thoroughly cooked
Closing the hood disposable food food

Behavior is not hygienic
Wash hands with soap before eating
Wash hands with soap after defecation
Always use footwear
Cut nails short
No use of fresh feces for fertilizer plant

Common skin disease known as scabies, scabies, scabies, budugen. The cause of this skin disease is a type of mite or lice are a very small sorcoptes called scabies. These mites multiply by a layer of horn penetrate our skin and make tunnels under the skin while laying eggs.
Modes of transmission of this disease by direct contact or through equipment such as clothes, towels, bed sheets, mats, pillows, and others. While the means of prevention of this disease by, among others:
Maintain personal hygiene, bathing with clean water at least 2 times a day with soap, and avoid the habit of sharing clothes and towels
Maintain cleanliness of the environment, and get used to always open the windows for natural daylight.

An effective way to prevent skin diseases (based on the factors that cause disease), sebagao follows:
Provision of water does not qualify
Use water from a protected source
Maintain and keep the facilities to avoid water pollution

Individual health bad
Wash hands with soap
Bathroom 2 times a day with soap
Cut your fingernails short

Behavior is not hygienic
Bed drying equipment
Not using the same towel and comb
Frequently changing your clothes
I wash clothes
Defecate in the toilet
Get plenty of rest
Eat nutritious foods

Broken FOOD 
An effective way to prevent food poisoning, based on the factors that cause disease, as follows:

Damaged or expired food
Select a food that is good and intact
Foods that are broken / expired not eaten

Inaccurate Food Processing
Cooking with a fairly mature and hot
Eating foods in akeadaan hot / warm
Warm food will be eaten if

Environment is not clean / hygienic
Place cooked and raw food storage separate
Store food in closed containers
Corral away from home
Closed bins

Unhygienic behavior
Wash hands before eating or preparing food
Wash hands with soap after CHAPTER
When you are sick do not touch food or wear mouth shut.

An effective way to prevent malaria, based on the factors that cause disease, as follows:

Environment home / ventilation is not good
Install wire mesh on the vents / holes penghawaan
Keep away from home corral Ayau make collective cage
Open a window or open the glass roof for light and dry

The environment around the house unkempt
Frequently clean the grass / bushes around the house and pool
Puddle of water discharged or dumped
Maintaining the fish pond and clean the grass
Spreading larva-eating fish

Unhealthy behaviors
Folding and reduce fabric / clothes hanging
Sleep in a mosquito net
At night is in the house
sanitary inspection
Incoming search terms:
biophysical environment, the bacteria E.coli EHEC, glass tile, bad environment, environment-based prevention, intervention food poisoning, defecate in latrines, environmental factors that cause diarrhea, causes respiratory diseases, skin diseases based environment

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